Medical School Consultants

USMLE Large Group Seminars

Our expert medical school consultants have the highest average USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK scores of any other company consultants. We have thousands of hours of tutoring experience, working with students of various knowledge and skill levels from across the world. It is critical that students are aware of the resources available to them, but receive guidance regarding the plethora of methods and materials to prepare for the USMLE. These sessions are personalized to your medical schools' specific curriculum and schedule, providing students with proven methods to enhance their study period. Topics for these large group sessions include: USMLE resource guide and recommendations, study schedule strategy, question vignette strategies and skill session and more. 

Individual Strategy Sessions

While the large group seminars provide tips for how different students can approach their studying, we truly believe that each individual student is unique and requires a tailored and customizable plan to best allow them to succeed on these examinations. Depending on the purchased package length, we will provide a number of students an individual 10-minute strategy session to construct a personalized plan for their studying. Prior to each session, the student will be asked to fill out a MedBoardTutors Preparedness Assessment which highlights key factors we will use during the session to construct a study plan for the student. The students will be provided with a specific and personalized study schedule, along with resource recommendations for their unique academic needs. Recommendations for study plans and resources will vary based on the needs of the student and how they learn best, so that their study period is optimized.

We look forward to the opportunity to work with you and your students, in the hopes of cultivating an environment of student success and confidence for these difficult and demanding examinations.

Contact us below for more information!

A detailed program outline and proposal packet will be provided upon request.