Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination of the United States


Facing the challenges of the COMLEX Step 1, now pass/fail, can be daunting, especially with rising fail rates. However, there's a bright side: we can tackle this together!

Remember, one exam doesn't shape your future. You have the potential for a successful residency and a fulfilling medical career. At MedBoardTutors, we customize our approach to revamp your study strategy, helping you unlock your potential. We focus on correcting past mistakes and transforming them into opportunities for a higher score.

For those aspiring to excel in competitive surgical specialties, we're here to guide you. You’re probably taking USMLE as well, but a high COMLEX score is essential to round out your application. Our most effective strategy involves 20-40 hours of tutoring over two months, leading to an average score increase of 2-5 points per hour. These results reflect the success stories of numerous students who have achieved exceptional results with our support.

How We Help

  • From question approach strategies, in-depth content review, study plan and resource guidance, our tutors are here to address every detail for the student’s COMLEX preparation.

  • We leave no stone unturned in preparing for COMLEX. Yes, we will make sure you master the core organ systems and basic sciences, but we also incorporate innovate approaches to OMM and ethics, which often trip people up on their COMLEX Exams.

  • Practice COMSAEs, WelCOM’s, and a variety of other examinations will be used strategically to assess progress and ensure the student’s successful preparation. No one has more experience projecting your score than we do, and we will always be honest about your progress.

  • Our tutors will help every student decide which resources are best for their specific COMLEX and for their personal preparation. We know all the Q banks, front to back, and even create our own High-Yield resources for each student.

  • Using the selected resources, our tutors will help devise an effective schedule within the constraints of each student’s personal situation. We can break things down to an hour-by-hour schedule, if that’s what you need.

  • We will meet as often as necessary to ensure your continued growth and progress. Most students most benefit from meeting with our tutors 1-4 hours per week, depending on how much time remains before taking the COMLEX.

  • COMLEX Level 1

    COMLEX Level 1 assesses the student’s ability to integrate the foundational understanding of basic science concepts essential for the practice of medicine.

    The examination consists of two sessions of four hours for a total of about 400 questions.

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  • COMLEX Level 2

    COMLEX-USA Level 2-Cognitive Evaluation (CE) assesses the student’s ability to integrate the fundamental clinical science concepts to demonstrate the solving of clinical problems and providing adequate medical care to patients.

    The examination consists of four-hour test sessions for a total of about 400 questions.

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  • COMLEX Level 2

    COMLEX-USA Level 3 is a two-day computer-based examination assessing a physician’s ability to deliver safe and effective osteopathic medical care and promote health.

    The examination consists of four test sessions of 3.5 hours each, taken over two days (two sessions per day). The exam contains approximately 420 questions in the multiple choice question (MCQ) format and test questions related to approximately 28 clinical decision-making cases.

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